Our Story


Chirpy Birds feeders hatched from a small garage project back in 2016 starting from a single feeder. I created this one with the most basic tools, made a few more and friends loved them. 

6 years later Chirpy Birds has become a far larger project spanning over 30 models to choose from.

Our range extends from fully built pieces with options including solar lights, feeding plates, pre-painted, unpainted feeders and build-your-own kitsets.   All are popular with customers but they love to paint the unpainted ones with unlimited colours using their imagination to create vibrant, colourful and special garden features. Something so simple can become great fun for anyone.

To feed your feathered friends simply hang your new feeder in a popular location for birds, drop in a handful of food into the feeder and transform your backyard, garden or any location into a bird magnet. You can even pick different foods to attract more rare birds.

Produced in Christchurch, New Zealand, each bird feeder is proudly cut then crafted in a small family owned factory from outdoor treated wood.

We love what we craft and hope it shows.

Welcome to Chirpy Birds.

Craig Sullivan, Designer and Builder